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Taken at 1/400 second at f/3.5, ISO 100 with a EF24mm f/1.4L II USM @ 24 mm

One afternoon last month I had the pleasure of taking a walk around the Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown LA. What an amazing, beautiful building. It reminded me greatly of the Guggenheim Museum in New York City for its lines and how anywhere you looked and stood there was a beautiful set of lines converging.

After wandering around the base of the building I found a flight of steps leading up and found you could walk around a sat of balconies and look back down. After some meandering, I found this view after leaning out over the railing and propping the camera against a glass wall. A fun reflection and the young kid on the bike kindly sat there for me providing a human context for long enough to get a shot with no cars traversing the busy street!