Taken at 1/60 second at f/9, ISO 160 with a EF70-200mm f/2.8L USM @ 80 mm
So Los Angeles was completely fogged in today. After moping about for a bit this morning, I got in gear, looked around online and found that the cloud cover seemed to stop as you got up into the mountains. So, loaded up the car and off we went! With a later start and a need to be back by LAX for 5PM, we didn’t get as far out as I had hoped, but it was an incredibly beautiful drive up RT 2 through the mountains. In fact, I think I may go back tomorrow for a longer, full day trip without feeling rushed and get up to the Pacific Crest Trail, where Rt 2 is closed for the winter for the rest of the trip over Islip Saddle.
If you’re interested, this photo was taken from here:
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About The Author: Jeremy
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