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Taken at 1/320 second at f/8, ISO 200 with a EF300mm f/4L IS USM @ 300 mm
These are really weird little creatures.
Oh WOW!!! I have never seen one of those moths before! GREAT capture Jeremy!
Hah, thanks Dan. Yeah they are such cool little bugs. Some of them are quite large, too. Maybe half the size of a real hummingbird.
That is absolutely amazing! Do they flitter about like hummingbirds or do they have a more typical moth flight pattern?
They often visit my b'fly garden - and are very cool to watch! Great shot, Jeremy!
Dan, maybe somewhere in between? They often hover when eating rather than landing like a moth, but will sometimes land as well.
Cool! Thanks for the info! =)
WOW love it Jeremy!
Was this at night? Moths are out at night only, right? We have hummingbirds at our deck flowers, but think I saw something like this during the day. Or was it just another h-bird? Bright green/yellow
Hummingbird moths are out during the day, Maryellen. Just another thing that makes them so interesting. ;-)
Ok. So I bet I saw one then! And it was beautiful!
I bet you did then! Cool. :) They are beautiful and so interesting looking. Since I was looking figured I'd share the wikipedia page - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hummingbird_moth
About The Author: Jeremy
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