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Taken at 1/80 second at f/5.6, ISO 100 with a EF24mm f/1.4L II USM @ 24 mm
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A wonderful thing happened today. The rain came through, cleared up the fog and haze that has been present all week, and I watched the city and the sunset from the Getty with Crista and my friends Jason and Becky. Not just any afternoon from the Getty, however. There was a mix of incredible clouds, clumps of rain passing through, and, as seen above, a huge rainbow that started over Culver City and went over Beverly Hills and Sunset Boulevard.

The shot above is a seven shot panorama starting with Hollywood on the left, downtown LA to the right, and the 405 framing far right and left. After watching a small piece of rainbow that developed over Culver City grow then fade, I was just about ready to give up and go move over to the setting-sun side of the complex when I looked up and … RAINBOW.

Exhausted after a long day and it is time to sleep. More pics to come..