Well, the weather and the winds have been pretty insane the last two weeks here in Connnecticut! Fortunately, I managed to get down to the Jones Farm about 10 days ago just before the first of the two big windstorms hit — and was rewarded with a truly incredible day and amazing sunset. One of the last of these before 80% of the leaves blew off the trees … then the last few bits a week later. More pics to come.
Carolyn Lehman
So pretty!! Great pic!! Most of our leaves are on still here! Finally turned pretty colors though!
Robert Rubino
These are ‘afterlife photos’! The colors and perspective are what I imagine our last journey to look like!!! Great capture ‘archangel’ Jeremy
Jeremy Pollack
Step into the light ... and into the winery! :)
Dorothy Mattesen Drobney
What a gorgeous shot, Jeremy!
Jeremy Pollack
Had some computer troubles the past week, almost stable again so time to take a peek at the pics from last weekend. :)
Dorothy Mattesen Drobney
Jeremy - can't wait to see! It was such fun to have you come for a visit and a drone demo!! :)
About The Author: Jeremy
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