Sunset off the beach at Ragged Point.

What an amazing couple of days. Last night (10/16/11) we stayed at the Ragged Point Inn which was out in the middle of nowhere RT1 CA. There was internet but my Boingo account wouldn’t work and I was too cheap to pay again so, late update.

There was a path 322′ down to the beach from atop the peaks. I climbed all the way down and then all the way back up in the dark (+ flashlight!) Let me say, I was EXHAUSTED when I got back up. Not only am I out of shape, I was carrying an extra 20ish lbs of camera gear. But it was well worth it… what an amazing sunset and a beautiful, absolutely remote, peaceful and solitary location. As a bonus surprise, when I got to the bottom, there was a 300′ waterfall to a little pool. That is a nice little bonus you don’t get everyday.

Waterfall at Ragged Point, CA