Click for full screen image.
Taken at 1/60 second at f/5, ISO 100 with a 8.0-15.0 mm @ 8 mm

Another view of the amazing trees along the streets of Garden Grove, CA. For the photographers who are interested, the effect is shot with an infrared camera. Then I swapped the red and blue channels in photoshop, which bring the sky back to its “normal” color in the visible range while keeping everything else in infrared.

These trees also happen to be near an amazing place I found for lunch yesterday called Vegan Pizza. You can probably guess what they have for food, but you would never guess how good it was! So much taste and flavor. I sometimes forget how much better food can be when you are forced to make it good and not just full of sugar and fat (as delicious as that can be.. :D). The Internet (specifically Yelp for me) is so fantastic for being able to travel and randomly find little local places that are amazing!

I will definitely be back there a few times before my trip is over. 🙂 And they deliver!