Click for full screen image.
Taken at 1/100 second at f/4, ISO 3200 with a EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM @ 48 mm
By “this” I mean made the raging mess that you see above. If you don’t recall from just a few weeks back what that same scene normally looks like in August, well, go take a look.
By “this” I also mean the gap in posting up new content. It is Thursday at 9PM, and we finally got power back a few hours ago. Thanks to the CL&P crews who have been working tirelessly to get so many people back online. So many people now includes us! I was getting tired of showering by jumping in the pool! So we’re back online, with power AND internet. Double bonus! And I’m finally able to take a good look at the pictures I’ve taken the past week. Expect to see a few more hurricane-related photos the next few days.
Hopefully if you’re reading this you are either outside of the wrath of Irene, or have recovered from the path she left behind.
About The Author: Jeremy
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